Authentic Street Food
1.【鑫记老北京煎饼果子】 煎饼果子是小编早期就经常在抖音或小红书上刷到的中国街头美食!而想不到这款澎湃多料的街头小吃在小编公司附近的Kuchai Lama就能吃得到!而到这里还有必点的大满贯煎饼,香脆酥软的煎饼包裹着肉松、金钱肉干、台湾香肠、午餐肉和双汇火腿肠,超澎湃满溢出来的料一口下去真的超过瘾!最重要的是一定要加辣,辣酱绝对是整个煎饼果子的精髓! 📍地址:9, Jalan Kuchai Maju 6, Kuchai Entrepreneurs Park, 58200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 2.【夸父炸串】 这是一家新开张不久,坐落在LOT 10附近的中国著名深夜美食炸串店!店内环境虽小,但却有多达70种新鲜食材串串放在冰柜里任你选择!选好你想要的串串后只需到柜台付钱和选择辣度,店员就会帮你炸 串 串 啦!现点现炸的串串非常新鲜,不会有冷却后的油腻感,配上他们辣椒粉超唰嘴!啊对了!他们家的水磨大年糕也超推!外脆里糯再配上咸香的撒料,糯叽叽的很好吃! 📍地址:Lot 10, Bintang Terrace, Shopping Centre, LTC/T5, 50, Jln Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur 3.【Biang Biang Noodle Bar】 这家位于SS2的Biang Biang面平价褒贬不一,但小编还是推荐给勇于尝试新品的朋友们~ 这是一家快餐式面馆,他们家的Biang Biang面一共有6种口味,而且还能免费加面!冲着这点就该来!小编最喜欢他们家的羊肉BiangBiang面,羊肉非常多不说,还非常的嫩滑,配上麻辣配料和劲道面条让人吃得畅快淋漓~ 小编个人觉得味道是还不错的,店家也非常认真听取客人的反馈~ 所以还是推荐大家亲自来尝试看看吧! 📍地址:30, Jalan SS 2/66, […]
“The Timeless Elegance of Classic Curtains”
In the ever-evolving world of interior design, some elements remain timeless, and classic curtains are a prime example. These enduring window treatments have a unique charm that can transform any space into a timeless, elegant haven. In this blog, we’ll explore the timeless elegance of classic curtains. 1. Versatile Design: Classic curtains, with their simple […]
“Curtains: The Art of Balancing Light and Privacy”
Curtains are the unsung heroes of interior design, responsible for balancing two essential elements in any room: light and privacy. Finding that perfect equilibrium can significantly impact the ambiance of your living spaces. In this blog, we’ll delve into the art of balancing light and privacy with curtains. 1. Light Management: Curtains play a vital […]
“Transforming Your Home with the Magic of Curtains”
Your home is a canvas waiting to be adorned, and one of the most enchanting brushes you have at your disposal is curtains. Curtains are more than just window dressings; they have the magical power to transform any space. In this blog, we’ll explore how you can use curtains to give your home a makeover. […]
“Choosing the Perfect Curtains to Elevate Your Home Décor”
Curtains are more than just window coverings; they play a pivotal role in shaping the ambiance and style of your living space. When it comes to home décor, selecting the right curtains can be a game-changer. In this blog, we’ll explore how to choose the perfect curtains to enhance your home. 1. Consider the Room’s […]